Ayurveda in Cardiac disease
Vaidya Yogesh Narayan Bendale
Pune India
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Case History :
A 4 year old female child was suffering from symptoms like turning blue (cyanosis) while crying and defecating and fatigue after playing. She also had delayed signs of growth. When investigated she was diagnosed of having grade I Tricuspid regurgitation and had PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale). She was under medical supervision but did not show any significant signs of improvement. Outlook: In this case, the child could have suffered from complications like stroke if not treated properly and hence advised to undergo surgery. Treatment: The child was brought to the clinic 'Ayurveda'for treatment. She was diagnosed for PFO on 26th Dec 2007.
Case History :
A 4 year old female child was suffering from symptoms like turning blue (cyanosis) while crying and defecating and fatigue after playing. She also had delayed signs of growth. When investigated she was diagnosed of having grade I Tricuspid regurgitation and had PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale). She was under medical supervision but did not show any significant signs of improvement. Outlook: In this case, the child could have suffered from complications like stroke if not treated properly and hence advised to undergo surgery. Treatment: The child was brought to the clinic 'Ayurveda'for treatment. She was diagnosed for PFO on 26th Dec 2007.

Colour Doppler Investigation (26/12/07) :
Patent foramen ovale noted. Grade I TR. Normal PA pressure.
PA (0.8/2.0)
AO (0.7/2.0)
TR (2.0/16)
After examination, medicines were started on 9/8/2008. The treatment included Suvarna Sindoor(60 mg) as the main drug of choice given early morning everyday along with honey.Also one tablet of Suvarna Bhupati (60 mg) was given along with water.The other medicines were started to improve nutrition (Rasadhatu and its proper digestion) and immunomodulators for improving immunity.This dose was given twice a day after each meal with honey.
Ayurvedic medicines included Rasayana for the Cardiovascular and Respiratory system which anticipated the following effects:
  1. Helps faster closure of the PFO.
  2. Prevents further complications like stroke
  3. Improves blood circulation to lungs and heart and improves oxygen supply.
  4. Stimulates normal growth and development of the body
  5. Improves blood circulation to the whole body.
  6. Improves immune system of the body and prevented any infections.

Gradually the patient started improving. The symptoms of cyanosis almost disappeared in a month's time after starting the medicines. She has been showing improved signs of growth and development.Hence again the patient is advised to do the previous investigation. There is remarkable change noted in her latest reports as mentioned below and the patient is leading a normal healthy life without facing the threat of any further complications.Other symptoms like chronic infections of upper and lower respiratory tract also disappeared.

Colour Doppler Investigation (24/09/09) :
Essentially normal study.Patent Foramen Ovale noted in the last investigation was not observed.
PA (0.7/2.0)
AO (0.9/3.5)
According to Ayurveda this is a case of Vata Vikruti during gestation which gives rise to such cardiac abnormalities.The normal functions of vata (Sransa Vyasa Vadhaswapa..Charak Samhita) was imbalanced.The medicines given were supposed to act on Shukra (considering some Beej Dosha) and Rasavahastotasa for further closure of the foramen.Heart being a vital organ and Adhishthana of Prana and Marma,suvarna kalpas were used.
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