Analytical Study of Shodhan Procedures of Parad And Gandhak
Dr Amol Yadav*
LRP Ayurvedic medical college, Urun, Islampur,Maharashtra, India
February 2013
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Conclusion :
Hence, all this study proves that Rasasiddha done outstanding work on searching and developing the procedures of purification of Parad and Gandhak in the absence of Atomic absorption Spectrophotometer and X ray Fluroscence at their time.
Purification of Parad :

रसेश्वरं समसुधारजसा मर्दयेत् त्र्यहम् ।
ततो द्विगुणो वस्त्रान्तर्गालितं खल्वके न्यसेत् ॥२७॥
रसोन निस्तुषं तुल्यं तदर्ध लवणं हरेत् ।
तत्कल्के मर्दयेत्सुतं यावदायाति कृष्णताम् ॥२८॥
कृष्णं कल्कं परित्यज्य तथा प्रक्षाल्य युक्तितष् ।
एवमेकेन वारेण रसेन्द्रष् शुद्धिमाप्नुयात् ॥२९
श्रोमद्गुरुमुखोद्गीतष् कृतश्च बहुशो मया ।
सौकर्यार्थ प्रयोगेषु प्रकारोऽयं प्रकाशितष्

  1. Parad was treated with equal quantity of lime for 3 days and then washed with cold water and sieved with double folded cloth
  2. This filtered parad was taken in pastle and equal part of garlic paste and half part of rock salt were added to it
  3. This mixture was rubbed by using morter till garlic paste became darker in color
  4. Parad was washed out by using water
Purification of Gandhak :

लोहपात्रे विनिक्षिप्य घृतमग्नौ प्रतापयेत् ञ
तप्ते घृते समानं तु क्षिपेन्द्गन्धकजं रजष् ॥२१॥
विदृतं गन्धकं ज्‍न्यात्वा तनुवस्त्रे विनिक्षिपेत् ।
यथा वस्त्राद्विनिसृत्य दुघ्धमध्येऽखिलं पतेत् ॥२२॥
क्षीतो निष्कासीतो धौतो जलं वस्त्रेण शोधयेत् ।
एवं नैर्मल्यमापनौ गन्धकष् शुद्ध उच्यते ॥२३॥
एवं वस्त्रायं शोद्ध्यो भिन्ने दुग्धे प्रयत्नतष् ।
भक्षणार्थ हि भिषजा योगार्थ सकृदेव च ॥२४
आयुर्वेद प्रकाश

Methods of Shodhana :
  1. One part of Ghee was heated in iron vessel and equal amount of Gandhak was added to this melted Ghee.
  2. When Gandhak melted, it was added to a vessel covered with double folded cloth containing milk
  3. After cooling, the filtered Gandhak was washed with water and wiped with cloth.
  4. This procedure was repeated for three times.

Impurities of Parad according to Parad Samhita And Rasatarangini :

नागवंगौ वह्निमलौ चापल्यं गरलं गिरिष् ।
असह्याग्निश्च विज्‍ज्नेया दोषा नैसर्गिका रसे ॥

  1. Lead
  2. Tin
  3. Vahni
  4. Mal
  5. Chapalya
  6. Visha
  7. Asahyagni

Impurities of Gandhak according to Rasaratnasamuchhaya and Ayurved-Prakash :

एवं संशोधितष् सोऽयं पाषाणानम्बरे त्यजेत् ।
घृते विषं तुषाकारं स्वयं पिण्डत्वमेति च ॥२५॥

Observations and Results :
Table 1: Analysis of Raw Mercury by AAS :
Name of Sample - Raw Mercury
Sample Results Units Methods
Copper (Cu) 58.87 mg/Kg APHA 3111-D
Zinc (Zn) 47.76 mg/Kg APHA 3111-D
Lead (Pb) 37.87 mg/Kg APHA 3111-D
Tin (Sn) 430.763 mg/Kg APHA 3111-D

Table 2: Analysis of mixture of lime and mercury by AAS :
Sample 3 – Lime mercury mixture
Sample 4 – Purified Mercury
Sample Sample -3 Sample – 4 Units Methods
Copper (Cu) 7.0733 0.399 mg/Kg APHA 3111-D
Zinc (Zn) 5.5153 5.51 mg/Kg APHA 3111-D
Lead (Pb) 22.2683 3.94 mg/Kg APHA 3111-D
Tin (Sn) 353.897 Nil mg/Kg APHA 3111-D

Table 3: Analysis of Parad after wash from Garlic rocksalt by AAS :
Sample 1- Mixture of Garlic, Rocksalt and Mercury
Sample 2 - Purified Mercury

Sample Sample -1 Sample – 2 Units Methods
Copper (Cu) 6.46 0.0791 mg/Kg APHA 3111-D
Zinc (Zn) 6.18 0.3431 mg/Kg APHA 3111-D
Lead (Pb) Nil Nil mg/Kg APHA 3111-D
Tin (Sn) Nil Nil mg/Kg APHA 3111-D

Table 4: Analysis of Raw Gandhak (Amlasar) by X-RF :
Element Line 2 sigma% Intensity [cps/uA] Formula Mass %
Sulphur K 0.011 27.807 SO 3 99.912
calcium K 0.019 0.022 CaO 0.054
Iron K 0.007 0.254 Fe 2 O 3 0.034

Table 5: Analysis of Ghee and Milk used for purification of Gandhak :
Sample 1 – Ghee used for Purification of Sulphur
Sample 2 – Milk Used for Purification of Sulphur

Sample Sample -1 Sample – 2 Units Methods
Arsenic (As) Nil Nil Mg/Kg APHA 3111-D
Selenium (Se) 9.04 Nil Mg/Kg APHA 3111-D

Table 6: Analysis of Purified Gandhak by X-RF :
Element Line 2 sigma% Intensity [cps/uA] formula Mass %
Sulphur K 0.000 22.902 SO 3 100 %

  1. After Purification as per given in Rasatarangini, impurities of Parad like Copper and Zinc reduces up to trace level and that is negligible. Lead and Tin, these two main impurities get completely removed from Parad which is mentioned in table no. 1-3.
  2. Selenium found in analysis of ghee used for purification is not mentioned in Rasagrantha’s but it may consider in terms like Visha. It proves that poisons in Gandhak get melted in Ghee, as mentioned in table no 5.
  3. Gandhak gets 100% Purified as given in table no. 6 and free from impurities like calcium and iron as mentioned in table no. 4.

Conclusion :
Hence, all this study proves that Rasasiddha done outstanding work on searching and developing the procedures of purification of Parad and Gandhak in the absence of Atomic absorption Spectrophotometer and X ray Fluroscence at their time.

* Asst. Professor
  1. Sarth Rasachandanshu, 3rd edition, 1983, Edited by Vaidyaraj Datto Ballal Borkar Published by Shri Gajanan Book Depo, Pune 30/ Mumbai 28
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  14. Rasashastra edited by Vd.Ninad Sathe, 1st edition, 2008
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