Ayurved is an ancient health care system of India. Ayurved is being underestimated purposefully by describing as complementary and alternative medicine of India by International scientific community. Our mind set has been adjusted as Ayurved is at secondary level (alternative and complimentary) as compared to allopathic medicine, from since the British era in India. We are still continuously dominated by the strategic policies of developed countries. We still engulf ourselves by neglecting our own eternal, though being suitable to global needs, safe, effective, affordable, easily accessible and a complete health care system.
"Chatushpaad" in Ayurved :
Four important components for successful treatment are discussed in Ayurveda are termed as Chatushpaad.
"Bhishak" / "Vaidya" (Physician), Dravya/ Aushadh (Drug), Upasthata (Nurse) and Rogi (Patient) are the "Chatushpaad" of Ayurvedic management of disease.
Empowerment of Human Resources through Quality Education :
As described in literature the "Vaidya" is a prominent and most important part, so he is under main focus of development. Now, there is an urgent need to develop capacity building in "Upasthata" by initiating training programmes so as to adequate and competent "Upasthata" will be available to implement prescribed integrative, holistic management by the Vaidya.
"Gurukul" an ancient educational system of India is an excellent way for development of the Vaidya and Upashtaataa. This"Gurukul" was the backbone of ancient educational system of India. Gurukul is replaced by current educational system which is incapable to provide competent, confidant human resources ie; "Vaidya" and "Upasthaataa". In Twelfth Five year plan of Planning Commission , Government of India has included developmental activity of National Commission for Human Recourses in AYUSH (NCHRA).
Department of Medical Education Technology, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS), Nashik has initiated various activities for the development of "competent" Ayurved graduates and other Health Care Professionals as per the need of the society.
"Competency based, Integrated medical educational system is currently being recognized as the most advance teaching methods in medical education. The "Gurukul" method of teaching, which is time tested and ancient, includes all these essential components of the most advance teaching methods in medical education. The "Gurukul" method of teaching should be adopted as teaching method in Ayurvedic education. MUHS, Nashik, has initiated an activity for the development of training modules in "Gurukul Ayurved".
Skill development for dissemination of health promotional and positive health activities should be implemented on priority basis. This will enable curative management of disease with rational usage of drugs. Attitudes and Competencies of non drug therapies like "Langhan", "Vyaayaam", "Vihaar" ,"Dincharyaa", "Ritucharyaa" and "Aachaar Rasaayan" should be incorporated in the "Vaidya" by employing "Specific Learning Objectives" through education because it is the ultimate objective of Ayurved.
Translational Quality Drug Research for development of "Auashadh":
We need to be careful about four common deficiencies, relevant research questions, study design, internal validity and external validity are being observed in global medical research due to which about 85 % research waste is being generated. Translational research in the priority areas as decided by the Government in the national interest viz. neglected diseases, malnutrition, non communicable diseases will be essentially addressed.
Adaptation of "Reverse Pharmacology" approach would be one of the solutions in translating Clinical Research into drug development. Indian Council of Medical Research has already taken initiative in this regards and started a centre for Reverse Pharmacology in Mumbai. MUHS has developed a syllabus on "Fellowship in Reverse Pharmacology and Drug Development". This course needs to be accepted by all the educational institutes throughout the country.
Epidemiological data regarding safety and efficacy of Ayurvedic therapy is essential to address the defaming research findings which are being published in various publications at international level. So, we need to develop culture of "Sound Documentation" of meticulous observations from clinical findings. A single case study (N=1 study) would be enough document to address the above said issue which will make international scientific community accept the Ayurvedic therapy.
Mis-interpretation of research outcomes has to be rectified by capacity building in "Experts in Research Methodology". We have to either follow the modern research methods and guidelines for designing, conducting and reporting of Ayurvedic research or develop a unique and uniform method for Ayurved .
Multifaceted Research in Ayurved on various issues with "Health Related Quality of Life" (HRQOL) as the outcome is a most beneficial than quantitative research because Ayurvedic approach is to improve the quality of life for every individual.
MUHS has initiated a online facility for submission of research proposals by which students, researchers and teachers can submit their research proposals to be send to various funding agencies for financial assistance. This is a comprehensive facility provided to the students, researchers and teachers in Ayurved faculty where research related information like guidelines, templates, sample protocols, funding schemes is made available and guidance of experts.
Research is a collaborative activity. We need to develop the online database of Maping of Resources of Research, Education and Health care service in Ayurved. This will help the sponsors identify appropriate research centre as well as the executive bodies for implementing the schemes effectively. To achieve the targets set in the Government policies of national interest we need to adopt our activities. There is adequate budget provision in Twelfth Five year plan of "Planning Commission" Government of India, for development of AYUSH system.
We should utilize this funding for the development of "Chatushpaad", an eternal concept, through activities like education, research and health care services and be a part in mainstreaming of Ayurved at national and international level.
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